"The Spirit mediates against any unnecessary effort"

Philosophy and Concepts of ‘Heartsease Holistic Healing’

Healing Philosophy:
‘Heartsease’ is a medicinal viola tricolor; wild pansy with many health benefits.
It is said in Chinese medicine philosophy that the Heart is the supreme controller of the internal organ system and that the ‘spirit of the Heart’ resides in the mind, hence the Heart-mind connection.
Being a Satanic ritual abuse - SRA survivor, the ‘spirit of my Heart/mind’ was tested many times over. This is the part of me which never lost Heart throughout my childhood and the inevitable healing process, to speak the truth about love, the light within and the universal light; God or source whichever has meaning for you.
My personal healing process has been epic to say the least, so I know firsthand what it takes to survive and to heal one’s heart/spirit, mind and body at depth.
It is this blessed life experience which I bring to my holistic healing practice.
I stand by ‘do no harm’; ultimate safety, love, kindness, comprehension, inspiration, peace and freedom and above all no fear.
It is therefore divine serendipity, having been a florist that these little wild pansies, violas, johnny jump ups which have blossomed and self-seeded in my garden, have always captured my heart.
So, the name ‘Heartsease’ with its many medicinal properties especially treating the cardiovascular system, anxiety and many other conditions, it seemed heartfully appropriate for the name of my practice.
My humanitarian project and vision will follow on with the namesake ‘Heartsease Children’s Home and Healing Sanctuary’ (in the divine pipeline).
Chinese medicine philosophy is based on the rhythms of NATURE and the nourishing cycle of the Five elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood which relate to the frequencies/vibrations/ functions of our meridians and internal organs, so again ‘Heartsease’ reflects this aspect of our holistic health; the plant world and nourishment for our cells, tissues, muscles etc.
Five Element nourishing cycle chart relating to emotions.
Medicinal and Biochemistry of ‘Viola tricolor’

Healing Concepts:
The #1 most paramount beneficial concept is to ask oneself:
Q: ‘what makes me, my Heart and my internal organs function?’
A: ‘your Spirit/soul… your Heart energy’ is in supreme command of all your physiological functions and emotions.
It is said in Chinese Medicine philosophy that ‘the spirit of the Heart resides in the mind’, hence the innate connection between feelings as a response of your Heart’s senses;
to hear, to see, to sense, to touch, to taste
which then initiates negative or positive thoughts and choices of how to react based on ‘learned’ or innate spiritual beliefs.
It’s therefore all about safe positive connection and intuition, safe positive touch, safe positive communication with self and others.
Taking the time to heal, giving permission for safe space to heal, to tune into oneself, giving permission for a practitioner to tune into your Quantum and inner energy field activates innate healing.
This is safe ultimate loving for yourself and of yourself.
Allowing stillness ‘to listen to the whispers of your heart’ is within your Heart’s command, your spirit/soul’s loving command.
In clinic Phillippa’s primary focus for treatment is to detect any ‘blocks to healing’ in the sequential energy flow of your meridian system; the pathways to your internal organs and allow optimum function as well as preventative health care.
It is your Life Force, your energy which moves substance; blood and body fluids which may have accumulated and obstruct function, causing stagnation and ultimately pain.
“I find treating people addictive and exciting as there are over 360 acupressure points on the body, 12 primary meridians and 8 extra deeper meridians which may be tuned into/accessed to restore someone’s system!”
“I’m a good observer and know how someone’s system/energy speaks, how people show up/present, especially one’s musculature with patterns of stuck energy and I will go deep to extract the essence of the causative factors of any disease states”.
“I’m able to go deep, hold safe space for others, as I have gone deep within my own healing journey. I know how to heal to find peace and freedom”.
‘The unarmed truth and unconditional love will have the final say’.
If time permits within each treatment, I will also tune into your quantum energy field with intuitive, telepathic, empathetic senses via massage release of your cranium/facial muscles and your central nervous system, palpate and observe any imbalances of your Musculo-skeletal posture from left to right and front to back.
Listening to your communication and responses according to safe communication of your learned and innate spiritual and emotional beliefs is also taken into consideration.
Emotions according to Chinese medicine philosophy and physiology may be
the #1 causative factors of any imbalance or disease states.
The substance of you, the MATTER of you is made up of CARBON, HYDROGEN, OXYGEN AND NITROGEN, the exact SAME SUBSTANCE in NATURE.
Therefore, our energetic vibration and frequency is aligned and related to the Five elements:
Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood which all nourish each other sequentially and relate to the vibration and nature of your INTERNAL ORGANS.
We all have these elements within us which resonate according to our true natures and our unique vibration.
THIS IS WHY most of us LOVE MUSIC and WHY NATURE HAS A RESTORATIVE effect on us at a deep profound level.
This is also why tuning forks which are tuned to certain positive frequencies are a wonderful healing tool to activate acupressure points.
Emotions related to your innate nature of the five elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood may affect your internal organ functions and cause a ‘pattern’ of signs and symptoms manifesting in disease.
The Five element emotional correspondences and inter-relationships which nourish each other sequentially:
FIRE – Heart function; the supreme controller of all physiological functions and the five senses.
The Heart protectors: Small Intestine, Pericardium, Triple heater (regulates body temperature).
Fire balances with Water.
Emotions affecting the Heart: sadness, lack of joy, feeling burnt out/flat, exhausted, numb, shock, no motivation, hot/cold moods and body, unclear boundaries, feeling lost and vulnerable, loss of hope and faith.
EARTH – Stomach and Spleen function: nourishes the muscles/flesh, makes immune cells, transformation of essence from food and fluids, relationship with Mother, the girl/woman within you, how you feed/nurture yourself, your centre, how you feather your nest.
Emotions: worrying, over obsessiveness, compulsions, pensiveness.
METAL – Lungs and Large Intestine: breathing in – inspiration/expiration to oxygenate skin, blood, cells, internal organs, letting go/eliminating waste, skin pores releasing pathogenic factors
Emotions: sadness, grief, sorrow, valuing self, self-worth, feeling like a gem or not.
WATER – Kidneys and Bladder: purification of waters, calm adrenals or not; fight and flight response, blood pressure control, eliminating waste and excess fluids.
Emotions: feeling unsafe, fear, existential shaking fear/terror, horror, shock, accessing/contemplation of wisdom within.
Wood – Liver and Gall Bladder: smooth flow of Qi-energy and blood flow, releasing of bile for fats and protein metabolism, Musculoskeletal flexibility, vision.
Emotions: frustration, anger, rage, jealousy, resentment, judgement of self and others, stubbornness, decisions, seeing one way only, needing to be right.

Knowing why things are happening to you:
Causative factors of Disease – ‘ill at ease’ may include:
Emotions; past or present trauma.
Spiritual invasion.
Genetic predisposition or vulnerabilities.
Lifestyle; work and home environment, leisure time.
Injuries or accidents.
Diet (including alcohol or drugs), allergies.
Excessive sex (which may deplete constitutional essence and longevity).
Pathogenic invasion: Wind cold/heat, chemicals, parasites, insect bites, bacteria causing accumulative viral load; toxicity, acidity of blood and cells.
We all may have internal vulnerabilities.
How we react or respond internally in relation to any negative or positive external influences.
This determines our immunity; how vulnerable we may be to external pathogenic invasions of bacteria’s, parasites, electromagnetic frequencies, chemicals, drugs, alcohol and noise.
This explains why some people get sick and others don’t or not as seriously.
In short, the wild pansy has been cultivated since the Middle Ages and may be used to treat:
Cardiovascular conditions
Skin diseases,Burns and Eczema
Respiratory; bronchitis, asthma and cold symptoms
Diabetes (complications of)
Immune disorders
Liver problems
Studies have shown Viola tricolor extract has antinociceptive, immunosuppressant and anti-inflammatory properties making it a potential treatment for autoimmune disorders.
The extract has been known to be anti-microbial, sedative, anti-epileptic and diuretic as well as potentially anti-viral and antiprotozoal.
It has also shown to have vasorelaxant, cardio-relaxant, hypotensive and cardio protective effects.
Some studies have discovered potential anti-cancer properties where the extract (primarily the ethyl acetate component) has been attributed to induced apoptosis and inhibited angiogenesis in cancer cells. The seeds and roots and to a lesser extent the flowers (edible) and stems are also a known emetic and purgative/laxative (should be used with caution.
The plant, especially the flowers, contains anti-oxidants, has low toxicity and is edible.
The leaves, stems, roots and flowers have been found to contain antioxidants and flavonoids (including violanthin, violaquercetin, quercetin, luteolin and rutin) amino acids, chlorogenic acids, salicylates as well as alkaloids, volatile oils, mucilage gums, resin, saponins and Vitamins A and C. Various carotenoids have also been isolated from the drug, including violaxanthin, antheraxanthin, lutein, zeaxanthin and beta-carotene}.