I work from my home clinic space surrounded by a garden to give a less clinical sensory experience for your healing.
I consider life, holistic health an art form according to the universal physics or laws of nature and the nourishing cycle of the Five elements; Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.
Energy – Life force determines and calls for authenticity, balance, peace, freedom and harmony therefore our senses, our emotions are evoked by colour, texture, sound and form.
I have endeavored to share my inspiration of art within my interior/exterior of my home and clinic space to offer a calm sanctuary like ambience for holistic treatments.
I offer safe positive connection and intuitiveness, safe positive touch, safe positive communication with self and others.


Crystal clarity of Spirit/Soul, Heart and mind
Crystal clarity of energy flow to move substance, stagnation, obstructions, accumulation’s causing pain
Crystal clarity of blood, fluids – water, cells, internal organs and functions

The will of my practice offers you safety, honesty, empowerment, freedom, peace, non- judgement with holistic health options and care, mutual respect of giving and receiving value.