Autumn synergy with your Lungs and Large Intestine function.
‘Tis the perfect energetic season to ‘breathe in and let go’ of all which is not serving your authentic self.
Background info:
if you haven’t read the previous blog about the Earth element (be good to at this point) and how each of the seasonal energies relate to the function of your internal organs and physiology: Fire nourishes Earth (provides the warmth for harvesting in late summer), Earth nourishes Metal in Autumn, Metal nourishes Water in Winter (explanatory below), Water nourishes Wood in the Spring time (later blogs so stay tuned in!).
Story time:
Just as the mountains are the highest substantial matter on Earth, so are our Lungs the highest organ within our systems and both draw in the necessary moisture and oxygen needed for respiration; inspiration and expiration. The Lungs are all about deep breathing and in Autumn it’s so good to breathe in fresher cooler air, depending on whether we are satisfied that summer and late summer have nourished our senses enough with warmth!? If not, however, our Fire element equating to our spirit; compassion and passions within will hopefully sustain us!
So once the snow has melted from the mountains, the Metal element in nature provides the minerals and gemstones for Water, hence the nourishment of the Water element.
The energetic metaphysical concept:
The spirit of our Lungs not only draws on the physical moisture inward, but also naturally looks upward to connect with and find inspiration from the heavens. Our spiritual sense or aspect of Metal within, likes to, finds it even necessary, to extract the essential value of all things and likes to literally stand on top of a mountain to get a crystal clear view or perspective of a bigger picture, to extract the essence, the gems within and externally.
A balanced metal type natured person will naturally breathe in deeply, maybe even meditate before making any comment on any subject and may have an ethereal quality about them, as they are deeply connected to their spirituality. They also may like gemstones, motorbikes, metal gadgets, stainless steel benches and breathing may be their #1 survival tool. An unbalanced Metal type person may make a cutting remark, isolate themselves too much or have breathing/respiratory difficulties.
We all have Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood elements within us and the spiritual aspects of these, however, we all resonate with mainly one of these, with another one element within, contributing to our constitutional factor or pre-disposition. We also may have either extreme or to a lesser degree of imbalances within these elements, but the good news is all the elements within, which relate to the same vibrational energy rhythms of our internal organs, may all be tapped into with acupuncture treatment and balanced!
The large intestine function is all about ‘eliminating and letting go’ of waste products and similarly likened to the leaves ‘falling’ off the trees in Autumn, providing the compost and mulch to enrich water and in turn the Spring growth. Large Intestine or your Colon, is the physiological functional partner to the Lungs, hence ‘breathing in abundant of Qi-oxygen allows the ‘letting go of the toxic waste’.
If we are not valuing ourselves enough, extracting essence or clarity emotionally and overcome with grief and sadness sitting on our chests, we are not able to breathe in and let go and we literally may end up with an accumulation of dense matter like mucous and phlegm stored in our chests and in our large intestines which may cause growths like polyps or even cancer, inflammation or have chronic constipation.
If we are not oxygenating our Lungs enough, our blood which our Hearts circulate may be oxygen depleted and therefore effect our cells, especially our red blood cells which transport oxygen! Similarly, our Lung Qi needs to descend and provide the supplemented Qi for the function of our digestive systems for our Spleen to make our immune cells.
So as you may be gathering inspiration and expiration….. is very important physiologically and paramount to resolving any toxic emotional grief or sadness, even to an extreme level of sorrow, if it is at all being held within you and valuing yourself enough, taking the time to deeply breathe will benefit you immensely and help your IMMUNITY!
Breathing is the first empowerment when we are birthed and the last function we do when we pass over.
Oxygen therefore is paramount for all physiological functions and cellular health, together with our constitutional essence which resides in our Kidneys from our parents, hence the Metal element also nourishing Water, which relates to our Kidney and Bladder function.
So it’s that important to get regular exercise and breathe in abundant free fresh air…..and let go of any toxicity of matter and on an emotional front within!
Some questions for your Metal element to ponder over?
Lung problems like smoking, pneumonia, bronchitis, tonsilitis, pleurisy, rheumatic fever, emphysema, excess mucous/phlegm, wheezing, congestion, rhinnitus (nose is the sense organ), breathing difficulty?
Skin issues (the skin is considered the 3rd Lung and Lungs/large intestine control the opening and closing of the skin pores)?
Bowel issues like Irritable bowel syndrome, constipation, cancer, polyps, diverticulitis (inflammation)?
Major loss in your life ? Grief and sadness about anything?
How is your self worth, self esteem, value, feeling appreciated?
Are you always worried about money?
Are you are perfectionist and aspire to quality?
Are you a neat freak or are you are slob or a hoarder?
What and whom is precious to you?
Is it hard for you to forgive?
Do you tend to cut to the chase with decisions or at meetings?
Proof that Heaven is not virtuous….in moments of losing true self:
“if heaven values me, how could I be so alone?”
If your Metal element feels like a tune up, a sparkle up, be the gem that you are and value yourself enough, make time and come for a treatment!
It’s the perfect season.