Heartsease Wearable Art Tee shirts and apparel
'WEAR IT to WELLNESS' your WAY - the 'DAO' (the way)
with the most important messages at this time in history:

Choices of a 'vintage violet' viola or a 'romantic peach' viola on the front of an AS colour tee shirt, sweat shirt, cap or bucket hat & on the back 'HEART MATTERS' & 'do no harm'
& my web address which will link to 'The Story' to raise awareness of natural medicine and spiritual, emotional, mental and physical non-violence.
$20 from each purchase will go towards the "Heartsease Children's Home and Healing Sanctuary' non profit charitable trust and humanitarian project fund and to support SRA survivors healing......
in the pipeline!
'The Story':
‘Heartsease’ wearable art - Tee shirts and apparel.
Wear it well - your way – ‘the Dao’- 'the way' with a ‘DO NO HARM’ tee or apparel.
By contributing to the non-profit charitable trust and humanitarian project fund for ‘Heartsease Children’s Home and Healing Sanctuary’ and support for SRA survivors you are standing up for the children of this world and your families.
You are choosing to spread the most important spiritual and emotionally responsible message of our time, ‘DO NO HARM’ and that ALL of our ‘HEARTS MATTER’ with connection to each other and source, which is the underpinning passion of the ‘Heartsease’ brand.
‘HEART MATTERS’ literally refers to ‘matters of the heart’ namely emotions, the # 1 causative factor of disease states (website resources).
In TCM the Heart is the supreme controller of our internal organs and function so your heart matters the most and actual substantial matter refers to the cells of your heart.
Just as your heart matters so does everyone else’s…..no matter what…. and this is practicing divine unconditional love.
Heartsease (viola tricolor flower) literally stands for and medicinally treats the ‘easing of one’s Heart’ aligning with all of what my brand and practice stands for; ‘the unarmed truth and unconditional LOVE will have the final say’ (see bio-medicinal properties: link in resources).
The ‘Spirit of your Heart’ will naturally emanate these sentiments in this visual expression of wearable art through the heartsease viola logo, which is an original artwork by Phillippa, owner of Heartsease Holistic Healing.
DOING HARM to humans and all living beings comes in many forms. The most damaging is GLOBAL EMOTIONAL ABUSE which is the underlying insidious base toxic dynamic leading to all forms of spiritual, mental, physical and sexual abuse which is VIOLENCE.
Being a SRA – satanic ritual abuse survivor Phillippa can categorically state that this is a gross barbaric extreme form of global violence and so by standing up, walking forth to ‘the beat of your own HEART’ and literally wearing the wellness message of ‘DO NO HARM’ is stating that ENOUGH is ENOUGH, NO MORE, STOP all forms of VIOLENCE, especially the underbelly of SRA.
DO NO HARM is also the #1 HEALTH ethic in all health modalities which encompasses freedom from censorship and allows individual competency of health choices.
Apart from being a tee shirt and jeans gal from way back, this was the inspiration to design this tee shirt and apparel to promote NATURAL holistic health and the oldest testament that ‘LIGHT and NATURE will provide’ abundance. We just need to be open to it and be receptive.
When choosing to wear one of these tee’s you have also energetically tapped into your authentic self, your own HEART Qi and function with the ‘heartsease viola’ flower placed literally at your Heart chakra.
You have also positively contributed to sending a visual and telepathic message to others by pure vibration, frequency and a ripple effect for all of humanity.
Let the light in, be worthy of receiving, let your Heart sing, ENJOY and treat yourself to a happy dance whilst clapping any negative Qi-energy away from your Heart chakra and wear your ‘TEE to WELLNESS’ and above all safety 😊
Choose your tee:
100% cotton and or organic cotton with great colours from the socially and ethically responsible NZ AS colour Tee shirt Co. with your choice of a printed romantic peach or vintage violet viola flower on the front and ‘heart matters’ and ‘do no harm’ with the website heartseaseholistichealing.art which links to this story to raise awareness on the back.
$20 from each purchase will go towards the’ Heartsease Children’s Home and Healing Sanctuary’ non-profit charitable trust and humanitarian project fund and to support SRA survivior’s.
Edible and bio-medicinal info of the ‘heartsesase viola tricolor’ link: www.heartseaseholistichealing.art