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    gifting value at Christmas time...

    Writer: PhillipaPhillipa

    It is apparently, officially Summer time which in TCM relates to the nature of the Fire element relating to the function of our Heart and our Heart protectors: Small Intestine, Pericardium and San Jiao (regulates our thermostat).

    The art of gifting has traditionally been the 'thing to do' at Christmas time, however in the last 40 years or so it seems we've been led into or coerced into a materialistic world and is more about how much one gives in monetary value or how much it costs to give the right thing?! Maybe something we've invested in from a truthful place in our Heart's or for the right/truthful reasons??

    For our heart and health's sake it may benefit us to now ask, tune into our Hearts and ask, re-eVALUATE what and how do I feel about this and how much will I invest in, buy into this giving (and maybe just not at Christmas time but how about all year round)?

    Will I place a monetary VALUE on my giving or will I just gift someTHING or DO something for my love(s) of my life?.... or just be the truthful ME?

    Have we learnt the ability to stand in our own truth and simply FIND our VOICE to say NO, "I am not going to comply to this NORM anymore".

    Is this or would this not be the ART of saying NO, I'm not going to BUY into what everyone else is doing. Instead I'm going to 'still my waters' to find peace and love within myself and stay true to myself and maybe just gift something that I have made or "can I do something for someone, be there for someone" or maybe just a give a genuine loving smile or a bear hug like you've never meant it before?

    Or maybe just put the Christmas decs up just for the sheer joy of making it cosy at home or honouring tradition and leave it at that?

    Put your feet up, have a dram of elderberry and heartsease and some Christmas pud and be simply divinely satisfied with that?

    Would the truth of just YOU being YOU, YOU owning YOU, all of YOU not be enough and not be a true gift to humanity?

    The epitome of the Fire element at Summer time is energetically an extension of our comfort within, expressing the truth of our VOICE, expressing our HEARTSEASE.....

    our balanced WARMTH, our love, compassion and kindness to our family, friends and humanity.

    However making sense of it all, we surely cannot come from this balanced place in our Hearts if we are not LOVING OURSELVES enough, having forgiven ourselves and others first and foremost?

    For how may we truly FEEL at peace, bring peace and love to our homes if we haven't owned up to or let go of our own frustrations, resentments or anger.

    Christmas time may be a difficult time for some families as truths tend to unfold when we come together and have 'stillness time out' finally. In this case any of those unresolved resentments, ill perspectives and anger may flare or spark up, shock our loved ones and this is a pattern of energy which expresses that our Wood elements in Spring time have not felt nourished and our emotions are imbalanced.

    In these cases there may to be too much Wood on your Fire element!

    Time out may be beneficial to calm this apsect within or to love one self enough and to ask for help. One of the hardest things to allow oneself to do if this has not been part of your knowing or experience(s). Afterall the extension of one's Heart is not just about giving out but finding HUMILITY within to actually be truthful enough to receive warmth in; to receive love frequency in to nourish oneself.

    Similarily if you want peace and love within, giving self permission to take time out enough to connect to oneself, tune into finding the light and love within yourself is humility in itself, especially if part of you has been suppressed in any way. You may have felt completely unsafe up until now to even have had a voice at times and at critical times and your Fire element may have reached a stage of feeling burnt out!

    In these cases it may have been difficult for you to express your truth, your authenticity.

    MY gift of a message at this Christmas time if not ever for more of an optimum time:

    LOVING yourself will be enough of a gift to yourself and HUMANITY!

    BE LOVE ITSELF to give and receive.

    Whatever is in your Heart from my Heart to yours, from the hearth of my home and sanctuary may you go very 'well' for yourself and your families with safe warm positive peaceful valuable connection.

    And safe divine transitioning into 2024 from Phillippa at Heartsease Holistic Healing.

    © 2025 Phillippa Corney

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