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    Is your Fire element feeling out of balance?

    Writer: PhillipaPhillipa

    Updated: Dec 8, 2023

    The Fire Element – your ‘original SPARK’, your LIFE FORCE relating to the Summer season:

    Is your Fire element feeling out of balance?

    Are you feeling warm and fuzzy or just burnt out and feeling flat?

    Feeling too hot internally and externally or too cold?

    Do you like the sun and warmth?

    Do you feel calm and at peace or do you feel rage?

    Do you chatter a lot, like the limelight, a jester and are you the life and soul of the party?

    Do you feel loved, loving, compassionate, unloved or unlovable?

    Do you like yourself or love yourself enough?

    Are you heart-broken or exhausted?

    Do you feel overly responsible and feel overwhelmed?

    Do you fly off the handle a lot, manic or hyperactive?

    Do you have blood issues, cold hands and feet, feelings of heat and dryness, any

    Heart conditions, tongue issues, stutter, vessel or vein issues, sensory issues?

    Some burning questions for sure!!

    Let’s look at causes of dis-ease and imbalances of why your Fire element may be too hot or too cold in your systems and some understanding of how acupuncture and TCM works……

    Ever wondered why your senses feel at ‘peace’ and you feel happiness when you’re in nature itself or surrounded by nature? The elements of nature according to Traditional Chinese Medicine – TCM philosophy are Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood, which flow sequentially (one into the other) and nourish each other cyclically.

    The substantial matter of Nature is made up of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen and are driven by insubstantial energy – Qi of the Fire element – the original spark concept.

    It is said in TCM that the ‘Spirit of the Heart resides in the mind’ and that the Heart relating to the natural energy of the Fire element is the supreme controller of the nourishing cycle within the Five elements.

    Therefore, all physiological functions and holistic health depend upon one’s Fire element! As the saying goes….’if your Heart is in the right place’….

    • the commander of your ship

    • the Queen or King on his or her throne within your palace….

    • anything is possible and YOU are in control’… else!

    Treating your Fire element or ‘matters of your Heart’ helps numerous ‘issues in your tissues’, sets you free, clarifies your passions, direction, authenticity, truth, peace, compassion and forgiveness, connect you with you and your loved ones, treats your circulation, Heart health, blood issues, headaches, heat issues, anxiety, depression, sadness to name a few!

    How to and story time (short version):

    The nourishing cycle of the Five elements flowing sequentially: Fire nourishes Earth providing all the warmth for harvesting fruits and vege in late summer, Earth is a container for Metal, has a holding function for the mountains and therefore nourishes Metal. The mountains provide minerals and gems, draw in moisture from the heavens, forms snow, melts and provides Water enriched with minerals. In Fall or Autumn, the leaves fall off the trees and provide nutrients for Water. Water in turn provides the moisture for the new growth of Wood in Springtime.

    Therefore, we can say that NATURE and energy relates to and drives the four season’s; Summer, Late Summer, Autumn, Winter and Spring.

    Because our substantial matter, is made up of Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen, WE our energy – Qi, relates to our internal organ functions which are affected by the rhythms of nature, the seasons and how our optimum HEALTH is driven by our Fire element, alongside external causative factors (later blogs).

    Similarly, the Fire element relates to the same energetic functions of the Heart, Small Intestine, Pericardium and the San Jiao officials (the body’s thermostat) and these latter three are the ‘Heart’s protectors’. They discern how much we give out and how much we are open to receiving.

    The Pericardium meridian or pathway, flows along our inner arm and may be jammed shut or just too open!?……all relative to our most intimate relationships.

    Our energy – Qi also flows sequentially along our pathways or meridian system, which may be likened to an energetic circuitry system with Acupuncture ‘points’ along the meridians. These points may be likened to that of stars, light portals which let light in or out. I liken the milky way, to these personal light portals, acupuncture points along our meridian system, where we can access this universal ‘Qi pool’ whenever we want to, since our matter is the same as and is aligned with this natural truth of energy!

    So…. if our Fire element has manifested an excess syndrome, the acupuncture points may release the pressure and heat out through the elimination systems ie the skin, Large Intestine function, our urinary and the lymphatic systems. Similarly, if we lack joy and happiness to the degree of depression, repression, suppression or feeling down right burnt out, like our light is going out, we can re-connect, rebalance and align you emotionally, mentally, spiritually and physiologically via your Central nervous system, Endocrine, Respiratory, Immune, Digestive, Integumentary-Skin, Renal-Urinary, Reproductive, Sensory and Lymphatic systems….all of YOU and at cellular level and soul level!

    Let’s get you tuned in, connected, running to the music and beat of your Heart in 2021!

    © 2025 Phillippa Corney

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