The Wood element is nourished by the Water element in Spring time and allows all the new shoots to sprout on the deciduous trees, the spring bulbs to pop up and new growth for all the plants to flourish therefore it is known that this is the season of 'rebirth and regrowth'.
Invariably in the Spring time we may experience chaotic strong winds which may blow in all different directions and bring about change(s). This can be quite disorientating, energy sapping and drying if the plants in nature haven't been nourished sufficiently by Water in Winter time.
Similarily if we ourselves haven't taken enough time out to hunker down and ' still our waters' in Winter, extracted the wisdom of our essence and rebuild, restore our foundations by contemplating our lives or re-evaluating our directions, our Wood element may certainly become imbalanced and chaotic.
This may effect the emotions of the Wood element which relates to the nature and function of our Liver and Gall Bladder. On a spiritual, emotional and mental level this may give rise to disturbed, erratic, negative or even chaotic emotions on a continuum of frustration(s), resentment, bitterness, anger or rage and jealousy. You may have heard the terms; " wow he's/she's a bit livery" or "he/she can't see the wood for the trees!" or "eek I don't want to stand in his/her way" or " I wouldn't want to meet that person in a dark alley!"
This is any person's Wood element being out of balance either from depletion or blood deficiency or from an excess syndrome of stress causing overheating or hyper active function and or Liver energy-Qi stagnation which invariably causes physcial and emotional pain.
I always promote healthy safe release of any emotional stress, as anger may be very appropriate for any person in context of their experience, it's just HOW the anger is expressed. So long as we don't blame the other person for the way we feel it's okay to voice that we are angry. It may be beneficail to take some time out from a person or situation to get perspective and have a chance to SEE your side of the story and appreciate where the other person may have been coming from as well, then we may resolve and find peace within our selves to move forward in a new way. This is literally finding flow and changing direction in a positive way which nourishes the Heart. If one's anger is not resolved this may exascerbate the Heart with too much Wood on the Fire element and cause Fire to be imbalanced as well!
The Wood element innately knows where it is going and what it's doing in spring time by divine design or plan, so similarily if our Wood element is not settled or nourished we may experience indecision, timidity, lack of courage and just not knowing where to go or what to do anymore. We may just not be able to SEE our way forwards. We always need to let go of any unresolved frustrations, resentments, anger, rage, bitterness or jealousies so we can move with grace, flexibility, clarity so we can plan our next moves with courage and confidence.
On a physical level the Liver blood is mostly effected if not nourished or hydrated by Water as this may render inflexibility of our bones, ligaments, tendons, muscles and sinews. The sense organ for the Liver and Gall Bladder are the eyes so if the blood is not being nourished or hydrated this may cause blood defiency and poor vision. In this case we may also suffer from itchy eyes as the yang energy in relation to the blood may rise up and cause the itchiness. This is just like when the wind in spring time rises up due to the earth, metal and water elements not having being nourished enough.
So it's imperative that our Liver blood and our Wood element principally has been nourished cyclically and sequentially with the prior elements in nature to allow optimum SMOOTH flow of every physiological function.
If we have too much 'hyper' energy from any emotional stress this may cause Liver heat in the blood, Qi and blood stagnation so we may see a red face, sweating, tight or tense muscles, drying out and itchiness of skin or even boils, torn ligaments or tendons. Women may also experience stagnation of blood at menses time or pre-menstrual stress with painful periods with blood clots or cramping.
Your Wood element is also responsible for the metabolism of fats and proteins especially the Gall Bladder function with secreting bile. These two organs are proned to dampness and heat as part of our digestion and tracts so our Wood element may be overacting on a deficient Earth element - Stomach and Spleen function and on Metal element - Lungs and Large Intestine, which also may cause major digestive and weight issues.
So all in all it is of immense benefit to calm our Livers so our blood may be cleansed, flow smoothly and allow optimum flexibility for our musculo-skeletal system.
Happy Liver (and Gall Bladder) = Happy Life!
Go well, RESTORE, RESOLVE any angst(s) and skip along in amongst the tulips and daffodils with a spring in your step(s).