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    It does not mean to be in a place without noise,
    or trouble or hard work.
    It means to be in the midst of those things,
    and still be calm in your heart."

    Trauma Survivors and SRA – satanic ritual abuse survivors

    This content is solely with heart felt intent
    to bring light, love and awareness of
    spiritual, emotional, mental and physical abuse
    to survivors, partners, family, friends and to the general public
    for our global children.

    “I fought for my sanity, I endured, I silently solemnly swore to live, by the grace of God to survive, to speak; to break the silence of SRA so that the perpetrators would be brought to justice, somehow, someday,
    with the unarmed truth and unconditional love”.

    For the children of this world
    it is time to speak, to hear, to comprehend the truth of evil manifested on this earthly realm.

    I and other SRA survivors stomached the worst existential fear, horror and torturous pain,
    to let you know
    ‘You are strong enough to stomach the knowing of it,
    to heal from it’

    My will within God’s will is to inspire you to find your own,
    peace, love, freedom, with empowerment of knowledge.

    For your Safety:
    ‘It is not your responsibility to fix or feel my pain or another survivors’ pain.
    However, it would be your responsibility to not blame me or another survivor for any pain you may feel on hearing about our experience’s.
    If you feel triggered or traumatised by reading any SRA content, I recommend that you seek help for yourself with an appropriate safe therapist.

    How did I get here?
    How did I survive?
    How did I heal?
    I will speak from my heart.

    Come with me to the rocking place,
    to the rocking place in your heart,
    where sorrow above all knowledge
    transcends like a warm gentle breeze,
    whispering across your skin
    and the light is just smithered soft,
    like milked aqua from sky and sea,
    gold from rock and earth.
    Dimension to touch, to sound
    is as boundless,
    where imagination never ceases
    and you are all you need to be,
    in the place where you may rock eternall


    'Courage'  Rose - from Phillippa's Garden

    Inspiration for Trauma and or SRA Survivors

    If you are a trauma survivor or a partner of a survivor and are struggling with the
    comprehension of SRA or emotional, mental, physical or sexual abuse do not despair,


    Survivors did not give up. They survived.

    They are however, needing to survive the healing of it in the present.

    This is quite simply post-traumatic stress.

    So, a survivor will express and present in a stressed way when they are

    The # 1 thing to remember is that IT IS POSSIBLE to heal from the horrors of
    Satanic Ritual abuse, practices and from any traumatic experience.
    Healing takes time. It’s a process, a journey.

    Survivors need SAFE people to support them. People who are emotionally safe with their
    heartfelt expression and communication.

    As a survivor, if you feel blamed by how others are feeling, how you are being responded to
    or judged because of what you have been through or what you are expressing about the
    trauma(s) it will not be healthy for you to continue to spend time or communicate with
    blamers or judgemental people.

    I recommend moving on and being open to allowing safer people into your Heart and into
    your environment. This may be happening in your home and or in your work space (that’s if
    you are able to continue working whilst healing).

    It is the practice of unconditional love for you to leave the door open for those people to
    walk back into your life or environment, your personal physical space, BUT ONLY if they have
    expressed to you in a safe way that they have finally owned their own emotions, apologised
    for their unsafe communication to you in the past and give you evidence over an appropriate
    time frame that they will be able to continue to express their emotions in a safe way to you
    going forward.

    If someone has been unsafe with you it may be difficult for you to initially even identify this
    dynamic, however with consultation and once becoming clear within yourself about feeling
    unsafe with certain people, it may be difficult to let the person(s) go. However, I would
    recommend making this a priority depending on how you are able to support yourself
    financially and in maintaining a roof over your head. This may be managed with an
    appropriate time frame once you have secured a safe home for yourself.

    Safe communication:

    This is all about not hearing the ‘YOU’ word about you or what you may or may not be

    This will be the other person pointing their finger at you……blaming you for the way they
    feel. It will be their issue, not yours.
    Family members and friends, even some health professionals may express themselves in an
    unsafe way to you. This may not be intentional, however it is still not OK, healthy or SAFE for

    If this is the case, it is appropriate to state; “I do not feel safe when I hear that expressed
    about me or of me” or “when I hear the issue that is being expressed to me, being about
    me, I feel....."

    This is usually about what you are doing or not doing depending on how functional you are
    and how much you are able to contribute to a relationship, whether that may be in an
    emotional, mental, physical or financial way.

    Another appropriate safe way for you to voice your feelings is:
    “When I sense or hear a negative reaction to me, it makes me feel like this……. vulnerable,
    scared, sad, unsupported, like it’s my fault again. It just compounds what I have already been
    through, and I feel worse. This makes it much more difficult for me to heal”.
    “I need and deserve time to heal, to receive patience, kindness, understanding, compassion,
    support. To be listened to, loved, to receive affection, to be cared for. I deserve for you to
    stand up for me and stand by me and not walk out the door. This is being an all-weather
    friend to me, not just a fine weather friend to me”.

    If your partner is withdrawing affection from you in response to what is going on for you this
    may be classified as emotional abuse.


    Similarly, it is of immense benefit for a survivor to let their partner, family members or
    friends know (even if at times they may be unable to speak about what they are feeling
    whilst experiencing a traumatic event), that they are ok and will be ok, that they are
    experiencing flashbacks or a full on memory or a painful body memory and exactly what
    they need from their partners ie space, physical comfort or not, being listened to, just sitting
    there with them holding their hand, waiting until they have cried, asking them questions (or

    If the trauma survivor cannot speak it may be helpful for the survivor to write down what
    they are needing or not needing and how much time they need to be supported whilst they
    are processing and integrating a traumatic experience.
    If your friends, partner’s or family members are having trouble digesting what you are going
    through or are not sure how to safely respond, communicate or support you, then it is OK to
    ask them to seek help with a counselor, psychologist, psychotherapist, trauma survivor who
    is healed enough to help them.
    If they refuse to seek help for themselves or deny that they are being unsafe with you, then
    it is OK to ask them to leave your home or space or it may be more appropriate for you to
    leave them.

    This may be only necessary for a ‘time out’ period either for a few hours, a few days, or a
    few months or even years.
    If either of you do need to take a ‘time out’ period, then it will only be safe for each of you
    to state how long you will need that time out for.

    If either of you have resolved your upset feelings by seeing the light and love in the situation
    or exchange, then it would be safe and appropriate to consult with the other person to
    check if it’s OK for them to see you again, then talk about how the unsafe communication
    between you happened or was triggered.

    You may need a support person with you or during
    a mutually agreed consultation with a health professional.

    Spiritually, emotionally, mentally and sexually abused children (and adults) will have
    already been blamed or verbally told it’s their fault or led to believe, groomed to take the
    blame of what the perpetrators have done to them or forcing them against their will to do
    on their behalf. 
    So enough is enough. Any trauma survivor does not need to be blamed again in the
    present for anyone else’s issue.



    For the support person of a survivor:

    It’s all about owning your own feelings or issue with:
    “I feel like this when I hear, I see, I sense this going on for you or when I hear about what has
    gone on for you or happened to you”.

    Similarly for the survivor:

    It’s all about owning your own feelings or issue with:
    “I feel like this when I hear, see, sense that I am being blamed or responded to negatively or
    when I’m disrespected or when affection, love and support is withdrawn from me. I would
    like this from you……(state specifics) and I need to receive this from you in the future. I don’t
    need to hear this or be treated like this (give examples)……”.
    If as a survivor you find it difficult to find words or even identify your feelings then maybe
    write it down so the other person may read it.
    Often survivors find writing very cathartic especially if they didn’t have words to describe
    what happened to them (if the abuse was pre-verbal as a child).


    Post Traumatic Stress:

    It is difficult for a survivor to feel the trauma in the present, relive the trauma throughout
    the healing process.
    They will only allow themselves to feel it when they are feeling safe in the

    So, if you are a support person and you want your partner, friend or family member to ‘get
    through it’, it will be your responsibility to contribute to being safe, being love itself to the best of
    your ability. If you feel unequipped it would benefit yourself and the survivor to seek help for yourself from a safe practitioner.
    For the survivor the time to heal varies and it solely depends on HOW MANY instances or
    experiences the survivor endured or went through. They may have been abused once, twice
    or multiple times over a number of years. Time to heal depends on how much support they
    get in the present and again how safe a survivor feels with those around them.
    A traumatic event or experience may surface as a flashback, a series of flashbacks or a full-
    on memory at any one time and sometimes when the survivor least expects it.
    Memories are trapped in spiritual, emotional, mental and physical compartments within
    the holistic system.

    IN THE PAST due to feeling unsafe to voice what had happened.
    This will have been due to threats of punishment or death and or the enormity of the

    Memories are memories……just that, factually.
    There is no such thing as a false memory.
    A memory will always surface at one time or another BECAUSE THE
    The survivor quite possibly dissociated from the experience in his or her past in order to

    An alter ego may have been created to deal with or cope with the traumatic experience and
    then the survivor may have switched back into their true self to pretend or push the
    traumatic experience away from their consciousness or even stayed in an altered ego state
    for a time, in order to sustain more traumatic events after an initial one and then reverted or
    switched back into their normal state again when they felt safe to.

    If a survivor was exposed to repeated trauma from an early age through to a teenager, then
    many alter ego’s may have been created to cope with the trauma.

    This may make it more difficult to heal from and it takes a proficient and empathetic practitioner to help the
    survivor identify the many parts of herself/himself and then to process and integrate each
    trauma experienced into their present lives.

    Clearly this healing process may take time depending on how many abusive experiences
    were suffered and how much emotional and mental grooming, brain washing and
    programming was administered at any one time or even drugs administered to make the
    survivor compliant and ultimately forget the experience or event.

    Memories are memories and if unresolved emotions are still within a trauma survivor they
    will inevitably surface at some stage in the persons’ life and will always be initiated by the
    survivor feeling triggered.
    As I stated previously, the body never forgets or lies.


    The memory may be acute and random.
    It may be triggered with a sound, a big noise, a smell, a tone of someone’s voice, a picture of
    a perpetrator, a similar experience, a place, feeling trapped, feeling or being blamed or
    judged, seeing something which reminds them of the perpetrators or cult environment, a
    place or location, mind control trigger ie signs or codes, something on TV, social media or a movie.

    A survivor may not consciously willingly continue to have memories but rather never really loses the will to optimally heal and evolve.
    It is therefore inevitable that the holistic system will innately want to heal itself and therefore more memories may surface well after the survivor has reached a very emotionally functional state of well being. 
    It is inescapable.

    The holistic system is innately designed this way.

    It is natural to grow, to change, to heal, to resolve, to evolve toward, to ascend to
    enlightenment, to empowerment.
    It is written. It is God’s will.

    It would be a survivor's perrogative, their choice to not fully relive certain memories but to remember only parts of a memory.
    However, it is inevitable that a survivor will get a memory surfacing if it may positively
    provide him or her with more information about themselves, or of their perpetrators, or if it will
    benefit them in some way as a means to reclaim their identity, a piece of the puzzle, parts of
    their lives.

    This does not mean that they do not remember parts of a memory, it just means that they do not want to or need to remember or 'feel' ALL of it. 

    Sometimes, survivors will inevitably be triggered unwittingly by hearing another survivor’s
    story despite them having moved on by their own choice and having healed to a very
    functional happy or peaceful stage within their own healing process.
    If there are any unresolved emotions or very difficult memories which they may not have wanted
    to feel or know about or felt necessary to remember, they may inevitably surface long after
    they have healed sufficiently according to their level of feeling safe within themselves and
    with others.

    So, it will not be ‘their fault’ according to other’s emotions, in response to them
    in the case of any more trauma(s) surfacing.

    In short, it may be negatively perceived that a survivor is delving into
    ‘it’ again or not having ‘gotten over it’ again.
    It will be a case of nature inevitably taking its physiological course.
    If anyone else may have an issue with this, it will clearly be about the support person(s) not
    comprehending how much the survivor would have endured and for how long.
    This would usually be the case for a survivor having suffered horrific multiple traumas over a
    very long period of time and from an early age.



    Consultations are available online or in clinic.

    Part of my life experience as an SRA survivor:

    I am a 66-year-old satanic ritual abuse survivor - SRA from New Zealand.

    I have healed enough to speak about SRA with love, compassion and forgiveness.

    I am a holistic health carer offering information and conversations on lifestyle, diet,
    musculature, causes of disease, guidance, inspiration for your peace, safety and freedom
    with respect for your holistic health according to the philosophy of the five elements in
    nature: Fire, Earth, Metal, Water and Wood.

    My memories of SRA started surfacing about 30-31 years old. Memories for me were
    triggered by being exhausted, due to unsafe emotions expressed in my relationship with my

    It was not the intention of myself or my partner to communicate unsafely with each other,
    after all this was a learned way of communication in our society at this time. We were both
    very frustrated despite loving each other dearly. After I sought relationship counseling and
    started with a safe counselor who knew about safe communication, I learnt to change my
    dialogue in and around my feelings and then gently appealed to and inspired my partners
    light and love within himself to do the same alongside my healing journey and that has
    made all the difference.

    The SRA emotions began to surface after seeking counseling, probably because I was feeling
    safer and more in positive control within my relationship. This was a very difficult time for
    myself and my partner as this new way of communicating greatly challenged my partner’s
    and friends’ emotionality from then on.

    Having a loving safe quality relationship was important to me at that time in my life after
    learning and knowing what it felt like as a child to be on the receiving end of extremely
    unsafe, erratic emotions and bizarre, evil behaviour from multiple perpetrators.
    I knew the profound difference of love and not being loved, even though I did not have the
    vocabulary to identify exactly what was going on and to articulate this evil dynamic growing
    up. Of course, as part of the indoctrination into the satanic cult at 2-3 years old, I was sworn
    to silence and even though I tried to speak at times, scream NO and literally scream blue
    murder, systematic terror tactics were the norm, programming alter egos and I was
    continually physically punished and programmed if I dared not obey ’the order; the family’. It
    was always ‘do or die’.

    Nevertheless, despite all this, I was blessed with love early on in my life as a child from my
    mother, and more importantly with my second eldest brother whom I identified with as a
    kindred spirit. I considered him my best buddy, and this helped sustain me.
    I knew from a very early age that these people, ‘beings’ were sheer evil and growing up
    amongst these evil people and acts over time, I became indifferent to the perpetrators. I
    grew to know, that no matter how much I complied, or how much I was punished for not
    obeying, used and abused, tortured just for the hell of it for their gratification, for their
    entertainment, as well as the classic need for power and control over children and adults,
    their business dealings to keep them accustomed to their elite status based on and all about
    money and assets, that they were crazily intent on performing the evil acts anyway.
    They were driven, they thrived on it, mainly, sadly to say for money, power and ultimately
    power over humanity. My sense of it all is that they, the humans in it were addicted. For if
    they didn’t continue with it, they would have to’ feel’ the reality of what they were doing.
    That it would inevitably catch up with them, stare them in the face if they stopped and were
    still enough ‘to feel’ their own reality. And of course, many of them, the majority of them
    were programmed and indoctrinated into it from an early age (just as I was).
    You may ask, well why didn’t I become a perpetrator? I will answer that question a bit later.
    I am not condoning this behaviour, but it is about answering the burning question of why?
    Why do people like this do this? Throughout my healing, I feel I have answered this question
    and I have laboured over this many times over many years as I have come to terms with my
    own anger and pain. But I feel at peace with it now. That is not to say that I don’t still feel
    angry at times, especially when I listen to another survivor’s experience(s). But this is
    healthy anger, appropriate anger, but this does not mean I will act on it in a negative way. I
    choose not to.

    From an early age it was always blatantly clear to me that I did not want to be like them.
    When you inflict pain to this degree on another in a cult setting, I surmised that there would
    be an immense difficulty in wanting to own it. To ‘feel it’. So, the sadness of the jealousy,
    resentment, anger and rage cycle is that it is inevitably perpetuated over and over and over
    again by these cult members. And just for good measure there is a need to justify what
    they’re doing……all in the name of Satan. The opposite to God.
    Of course, the ‘bully syndrome’ is all about the other person not taking responsibility for
    their own emotions and the need to vent it, to inflict their pain onto others, a victim.
    Although, as we know now, a victim, if still living is a ‘survivor’.
    Ultimately, I believe it’s all been about good versus evil. It has been about and still is a
    spiritual war between the light; God and evil.
    I believe that the light will prevail yet. Otherwise, why would there be survivors of SRA to
    speak of evil, to let others know the degree of evil so that there may be a choice to finally
    stand in the light.

    Why would you not want to stand in the light instead of standing in the darkness of evil?
    There was a certain time when I was about 8 years old when a lot happened to me. I believe
    now, that at this time it was systematically managed to render me into a deeper level of
    submission. This was after a series of horrific incidents and after I’d been taken overseas, so
    it was driven home to me that I knew I had to lead them even more so into believing that I
    was one of them and that I would fully obey.
    However, I must have been wavering, outwardly showing that they hadn’t quite got me. So
    at this one time, I was severely sexually abused multiple times and then with animals as well
    to the point I was near death. This left me utterly physically broken and spiritually in despair.
    In these moments of dissociating (spiritually morphing in and out of my body) I spiritually,
    emotionally and physically I identified with what it must have felt like for Jesus dying on the
    cross. I don’t quite know how I physically survived, although now I do know that I felt God’s
    presence back then. In the healing of this particular memory, which was very physically
    debilitating in the present, like just literally breathing through the pain, I felt God’s presence

    This is a pure example of why I survived. By God’s grace. This is why I did not become a
    perpetrator. I was able to hang onto the part of me who remembered God, the love and
    light, who I was and a sense of my mission, where I was going and what I was here for.
    It was also because I had love in my life with my brother and many times in my childhood, I
    saw the light in nature.
    Throughout my healing process in the present, I have also recognised it has been because of
    my spiritual evolvement, my experiences in past lives, who I was, what I had already learnt in
    those past lives and essentially who I am.

    After this incident though I felt a renewed utter disdain, disgust towards the cult members.
    Inwardly even though I knew I had waged war on them from 2-3 years old and especially
    after a prior incident which happened overseas, this latest incident sealed the deal
    categorically. I got angry. However, I didn’t show it to them. I guess looking back now, I had
    acting skills. But by this stage that part of me had become good at acting in front of them.
    So even though at this point in time, I knew I had to submit to them, I used this determined
    will and anger to survive, to keep going. For God and his message. Afterall I now knew why
    Jesus had died on the cross.

    My mantra has always been, “it’ll keep”. That became my inner weapon. At times I let that
    anger out within the cult rituals to let them believe I was one of them. However, I knew the
    difference and that anger and determination to find a way to eventually tell on them,
    sustained me.

    There was a hierarchy within the global network which included royalty, politicians, health
    professionals, teachers, judiciary authorities, celebrities with a systematic agenda as I came
    to know. World domination/control was the main goal. I also learnt they were into bio-
    weaponry, selling arms, scientific phenomena and spiritual control and of course the occult.
    Fear of being tortured to death had at times prevented me from speaking out publicly until
    2019 after first hearing of Anneke Lucas’ testimony via
    This enabled me to then reach out to that alternative media company in Canada. This was
    only after literally physically shaking for a week. After a few emails and a zoom meeting, I
    then was subsequently interviewed by Richard Enos who came out from Canada to interview
    me. The Epstein case involving royalty coming out globally also gave me confidence at last to
    put myself out there.

    And of course, for me to feel confident to speak out I needed to have made enough sense of
    things, to have integrated the many dissociated parts of me which had only ever known
    silence within up until then. This allowed my voice to withstand any possible negative

    Being alone with it all up until then had been so…… well just an utter sense of loneliness.
    Something I had felt many times growing up as I was not permitted to speak to anyone. Also
    due to the secret part of me being so hidden, hidden even to my family and to the outside

    I have waited so long for the right time to speak. I have waited for the whole world to catch
    up. In 2019 I knew intuitively that the tides were turning. And now I will not be silenced or
    censored anymore.

    For if we do not have conversations like this, we are simply complying….out of fear.
    And why should we give our power away to anyone? Let alone to evil.
    In my childhood it seemed to me that it was all just for their gross sexual gratification, the
    penchant to control children and to ultimately promote their monetary fund. However, as I
    and many others in the world are now aware, their agenda has had far reaching infiltration
    on an epic global scale. The global ‘unawake’ have also been programmed and brain washed
    throughout the last 70 years plus by governments, media, the pharmaceutical industry and

    I grew up with a well-honed ability to observe and take notes within myself and therefore I
    sensed that a lot of the time, the crazy evil behaviour was also a means to self-medicate
    themselves. As I said, they needed to justify what they were doing….to survive as well. They
    took drugs offering them a heightened state and as most people are aware nowadays, they
    also consumed ‘adrenochrome’ and this was also a means to make masses of money from
    this aspect of their businesses. At times I too needed drugs to survive the horrors as well as
    them. Adrenochrome was something which I just wanted no part of however, even though I
    was forced into ingesting it. To this day I have not allowed myself ‘to feel’ this aspect of it. I
    simply do not wish to feel it. Why would I?
    As I grew up though I became indifferent to them, I became numb, almost zombie like at
    times….to survive. However, despite everything I didn’t lose my inbuilt will to survive to tell
    on them, some-day, some- how. My mantra of “it’ll keep” was steadfastly kept.



    Getting back to my healing which began in my 30’s, there was a strong will and incentive to
    have quality of life finally and to make my relationship work. I also wanted children so that
    was a big incentive to be the best I could be. I wanted love finally and I knew I would be the
    most loving parent to my children. There was as I know now, a strong inner confidence that I
    could achieve this, probably due to a yet unspoken, unacknowledged knowingness of
    capability and survival skills, especially spiritually, emotionally and mentally.

    A heads up:

    I’m happy to report that in the present my husband and I now have a quality safe loving
    relationship and are very happy as individuals and together. We have our own homes and
    are financially independent. I work from my home and when I retire, we have the option of
    living under one roof again. For now, after 37 years of living together we are still enjoying
    our own space. There has been much water under the bridge so having our own space to
    exercise our individual wings is kinda refreshing and something that our now ‘real’ selves has
    not experienced as individuals.

    The latter of having children unfortunately did not eventuate, due to multiple miscarriages
    which I would think was partly due to me being coeliac (not getting enough nutrients into
    my blood to maintain a pregnancy), chronic fatigue syndrome and mainly the fear of a child
    being taken away from me as happened in the cult group when I was about 13 years old.
    My husband and I have made peace with this aspect of our lives, and we often say….”in our
    next life we’ll have children….” or as I would like to in the not-too-distant future, set up and
    run a children’s home and healing sanctuary.

    By the way from a clinical aspect, I have physically felt that being coeliac stems from a severe
    depletion of one’s immune system, since it’s an auto-immune disorder and that is why it is a
    genetic predisposition; a genetic depletion of the immune system resulting in not having the
    Ig E immunoglobulin to be able to digest gluten from our diets. I know firsthand how my
    small intestine has had a guts-full of trauma and I would think my mother as well, hence the
    genetics being depleted. According to Chinese medicine philosophy the small intestine on a
    spiritual aspect is the inner most Heart protector and it will ‘take the hits for the heart’. So,
    it’s not rocket science to comprehend how this organ and one’s immune system would be so

    My counsellor back then was a very kind, intelligent mature women, who also knew about
    SRA and gave me time (more than the usual expected hour) to process emotions due to the
    present and due to any SRA experiences, which surfaced. I went to her week in and week
    out for 20 years. I became proficient at communicating, processing and integrating
    emotional trauma. Unfortunately, my counsellor contracted a health issue and passed away
    which was very sad indeed. I did try another couple of counsellors after this, however, I
    learnt that I was emotionally healthier than they were, so I ventured forth from then on to
    heal on my own.

    I did have a good healthy doctor throughout this 20 year period as well. I was prescribed
    anti-depressants at the start of my healing, however I got pregnant and was told to stop
    these immediately but then miscarried. After this I didn’t want to take these drugs any more
    mainly due to knowing how drugs suppressed emotions from my childhood, when drugs
    were administered to make me compliant. My doctor supported me with not taking drugs
    after that first year of healing so I’m happy to report that I did my whole healing journey
    from then on without drugs.

    I did go to a clinical psychologist in the early stages of healing as referred by my doctor, and
    this was okay, but when he was away, I went to another locum at his practice, and he told
    me I was depressed and wanted me to go on anti-depressants again. I told him, I knew what
    was wrong with me and I wasn’t depressed, that I was suffering from extreme trauma, and I
    was just very, very, very sad and exhausted.

    I knew how much was within me by then and I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I would
    get through it. I knew and sensed there was an end point. Because I knew and sensed I’d got
    myself out of the cult at around 15-16 years old. I came to acknowledge later in my healing
    that I had duped my perpetrators into believing I was one of them. In this sense I knew I had
    won. So, I knew I’d get through the healing of it. It was just a matter of time. I was so used to
    just putting one foot in front of the other and going with the flow. I became an expert at this,
    as my patience and stickability had already been honed as a child.

    It was hard back then though throughout the healing of it, due to others not knowing or
    comprehending how much had happened to me, the depth and intensity of the cult
    dynamics. I only knew that. I couldn’t tell them either, especially my husband due to
    protecting him and others of how horrific it was and how much I had endured. They were
    having trouble enough dealing with it. It was a process and for goodness’ sake people back
    then were only coming to terms with sexual abuse let alone SRA.

    Throughout this healing journey, it was a parallel process to work through and contend with
    the negative responses to what I was going through in the present and from the past.
    Spiritually, emotionally and mentally I was determined and worked my guts out throughout
    the whole healing process to become proficient at, articulating what had happened to me,
    what was happening to me in the present and what I needed and deserved.
    I worked very hard for my relationship and laboured for hours and hours about how to safely
    articulate and communicate, ask positive questions of myself and my partner and despite it
    all still withstand negative reactions to me. I hung in there and stood up for love and quality.
    I learnt a lot and am glad I bothered to take the time. I persevered against all odds. But I
    guess I was used to that in my childhood.

    This has all contributed to how I’m now able to communicate and encourage others to safely
    get in touch with, identify their own emotions, what is going on for them and to
    communicate, express themselves with clarity and safety.
    Basically, I grew up and into being very assertive with love and compassion.
    I did this specifically by taking the time to differentiate what my feelings were in relation to
    the other persons feelings depending on what their issue was about me; by their responses
    to me, what tone they were talking to me with, or their negative body language, any blaming
    of me, and why they felt it necessary to come from that place within themselves. Basically,
    what was going on for them?

    Putting myself in their shoes, working out how their emotions and behaviour were a learned
    way of communicating. Seeing them, sensing them, asking myself and them questions of
    themselves. Observing their currency of love; their expression of love based on their
    perception of safety from their childhood experiences. Basically, breaking down the bully
    syndrome and answering the questions of why “does this person feel the need to do this, to
    communicate this way?”

    Always the answer came to me as, “this is about the other persons anger issue, their issue
    with me or something else which has upset them to the degree of learned behaviour and
    expression of this emotion”. And I had learnt very well that underneath anger is grief and

    This allowed me to have comprehension of any perpetrator of spiritual, emotional, mental
    and physical abuse.

    This allowed me to come to a place of comprehension of what, who and why this evil had
    happened to me in the past in relation to every perpetrator in the past and in the present.
    This also allowed me empowerment of my own feelings and to allow forgiveness for myself
    and for my perpetrators and especially my parents.

    This didn’t happen overnight!

    As I have already alluded to this has taken years of sweat, extreme spiritual, emotional,
    mental and physical pain; rage, anger, frustration, grief, sorrow and bucket loads of personal
    tears and many memories of near death experiences.
    To the point where I was so frustrated at a particular time with feeling fear and other
    people’s responses of not knowing where and how intense fear was for me, I took an
    overdose (drugs I had on tap… just in case at some stage I did need them).
    In this particular instance when my fear was triggered, I became extremely exasperated with
    myself and just wanted some peace and to not be a bother to others as this was a
    predominant feeling or dynamic back then. I did not want to die, however, I just wanted
    ‘time out’ from the hell I was in. Luckily, I didn’t die. However, this stage was cathartic for me
    and those around me. It was an opportunity to identify intense fear, frustration, feeling
    utterly alone and unloved.

    Another time when healing, I was feeling extreme despair and sadness from a memory and I
    felt myself wafting into a deathly state, almost willing myself to pass over. In this state, I
    thought “oh hang on, I can’t die, as I would be letting God down”.
    I’d already remembered God’s presence with me at 2 years old, however by 3-4 years old I
    also remembered that I’d had enough and needed to check out. I had a ‘white light’
    experience where I travelled upward to what I can only describe as heaven and received
    God’s grace, immense love and with the message that I must go back, it wasn’t my time yet
    and that I would be okay. I had remembered this in the early stages of healing which helped
    me reclaim my spirituality back and helped me enormously in my whole healing journey
    after that.

    So, in those moments of feeling like I can’t die, I thought, “well if I have to stay here for God
    again, how will I, how can I remain here and for what?” I thought, “ok, I won’t decide to be
    here for anyone else but for God and me” and then my thoughts were, “ok what in this
    world would be good enough to keep me here?”
    My answer to self, came to me, “I will be able to stay here for the love of mountains, for the
    love of feeling the softness of rose petals upon my skin, for the love of wool to keep me
    warm”. This for me this day felt like enough. For nature itself, I allowed myself to stay.
    Knowing this for myself saved me that day.

    Working through the emotional and mental brain washing throughout my conscious healing
    in the present has been the worst. The fear of a part of me losing myself to their control.
    Feeling painful body memories has also been the worst. At times it has been physically
    debilitating in the present and I have had to take time off work many times (although not so
    much now but on occasions still, as the healing continues). Also not initially knowing what
    signs and symptoms contributing to any condition or ailment were in the present or due to
    past trauma.

    I had to take many ‘time outs’ to resolve my emotions in relation to how I was being
    responded to in the present.

    At times I screamed into pillows, I screamed within my car on country roads, I scribbled onto
    large artist pads with a pen until the pen went through to the bottom. I wrote screeds of
    feelings and recorded what had happened to me. At times I was catatonic (couldn’t speak). I
    had to have time off work (6 years and then at another time, a further 2 years).
    The time it has taken to heal has been the worst for me and for my husband. This has been
    due to how much happened to me within the cult group, the systematic incidents from a
    baby through to 2-3 years old and until I left at around 15-16 years old. I still can’t remember
    exactly how old I was when I left, due to just being so done with it all, traumatised,
    dissociated and living in fear from then on until now. It was all intense, immense and epic.
    However, I have become the best person I would ever hope to be and still

    I’m now appreciated for who I am, for who I always was.
    I’m seen, I’m trusted, I’m respected, I’m loved by my husband.
    He appreciates our journey together, my survival, his survival, who he was, who I was,
    who we have grown to be as individuals and together.
    We appreciate our love journey, how things needed to be for us.
    How loving ourselves as individuals and our true love as a couple has ultimately sustained
    each of us and our relationship despite everything that has happened to me and to him.
    With profound humility I’m proud of myself to have listened to my heart. I’m proud of my
    survival. I’m proud I’m able to love and be compassionate. I know now who I am and what I
    stand for. I know now who I always was as a child.
    I’m proud to know God’s light and his work, felt and feel his presence, be of service to
    humanity through the laws of nature; the five elements.
    I have accomplished depth of knowing myself, depth of knowing humanity, depth of
    knowing how to heal and help others heal at their depths.
    My rivers, my waters run deep. I feel blessed.
    No matter what happens to me I know my spirit, my soul cannot be taken by another (even
    though they tried).

    My WILL did not allow it back then and my will won’t allow it now.
    I know I survived by God’s grace and he is here for me. For that I’m eternally grateful.
    He is also there for you. Just ask. Let him in, let the universal light in.
    Let your frequency and vibration connect with this.
    I am no different to you. I know that anyone would be able to survive what I
    did and what other survivors have.
    When the chips are down thus far, at satanic ritual abuse level you are
    inevitably faced with just YOU, GOD and EVIL.
    What do you choose for you and your children?
    I know that forgiveness is not about condoning another’s
    behaviour, it is about comprehending it.
    I hope with all my heart that part of my story and my healing helps you even in
    some small way to find some peace within yourself.
    If you need more help or would like to book a consultation with Phillippa


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